Thursday, August 31, 2006

Our 49th Merdeka

Malaysia celebrates her 49th year of Independence today. Merdeka! Merdeka!
I was out the whole getting stuff and checking out stuff. It's a public holiday. Isn't that great. Time is so precious and have to make the most out of every minute and second.

I've been busy with my new place. Preparing my stuff. Only to hit a bump today. There were several defects. I guess it is the most common defect in almost all new places. Tiles which hollow fillings. I think that is the right word to describe it. Darn. It's gonna be messy to fix it. And i hope the developer don't take too long to fix it.

Darn delays delays. And time. I need to take some holidays. Not to go somewhere but rather to prepare my new place. And I can't cos of work commitments. I hope hope I can manage my work well and get that opportunity to take a few days off.

And my visit to my doctor is long overdue. I've been coughing for the past month. Ahh...a shot of whiskey will cure that.


Cheers. Merdeka!


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