Thursday, December 22, 2005

The great debate of freshies and salary

I can't sleep. So like every other million bloggers out there, I decided to surf the net. I was reading a forum at my favourite forum hangout...and I saw this forum title - Is RM2000 enough for a fresh grad (ringgit malaysia two thousand only)?

Let me just say, I saw there like 7 years ago when I was a fresh grad. My starting salary was lower than 2k. Eventually I left and got a salary with 2K. Is it enough? Unless you are some contented person who constantly say, god will show the way (which is good actually to be religious), money is never enough. Mind you, I am also among those who say god has a part to play in all of our lives. But money is never enough. Just that it's the other things that makes life enjoyable, besides having lots and lots of money. THose who are employers would surely want to pay less to the workers or rather slaves. And those who are slaves would surely want more money. Back to the question, was it enough? I would say yes. I had a simple life. Took the bus. Gave my parents some money, it was little but I guess this is where the phrase it is the thought that counts matters. Once in awhile I spend on nice things. Nice things during that time was maybe iced coffee and some beer. Nothing lavish. I wait for sales to get my clothes. Ate simple food, mixed rice mostly. SOmetimes go for something higher end in the local chinese restaurant. But it was never expensive. Had a bike and it's really great to have a bike to travel nearby. It was dangerous to travel to town on bikes anyway. That was 7 years ago. Not sure if I have something which is considered a good salary but I guess it's better than having a lower salary (lower salary...that means any salary which is lower than my current one). Yes I have difficulty finding a house..a good one. Yes, I waited later to get a car..really really much later because I couldn't afford to maintain one.

On the other hand, the two thousand bucks 7years ago may not be the two thousand bucks of today. If you take into account of Net Present Value. Bus fares have increased. The LRT fares have increased numerous of times. Rents have gone up. Prices of food has gone up. So I don't know if two thousand is enough for a fresh grad. It could be just enough for a fresh grad. The reality is supply and demand. If the job market has more supply than demand, then beggers can't be choosers. Grab the best available opportunity and work towards a goal. The only winners that I see this game are the biz people. When price of goods go up, pass the cost to the consumers.

Sometimes I do think would life become better if i started my own business? What business to start? I like sports so I have been thinking more and more about things that I would like to start...things related to financials. And working in projects in Faki..I mean Pakistan has really got me going about this own business thing.

My friend tells me he believes in that some people are born to be employees and some are born to be employers. My take on this is, if everyone becomes the boss, then who is going to get the job done? There will always be bosses and slaves..I mean workers. That's how the world is. What I do not believe is that people are born to be employees and some would be employers. Yes, there is something called destiny. I am still trying to figure things out. Putting everything in the hand of luck or chance or karma or whatever, is just not my kind of thinking.

So where does this leave us on the issue of, is money enough? Money won't be enough unless you are darn rich. We all need money to survive. It is the question of how much money. And right now, I just have to find more money.

And keep dreaming on possible future businesses.



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